Dissecting DevOps - Measuring quality in a SaaS world: SLA, SLI, SLO

Dissecting DevOps - Measuring quality in a SaaS world: SLA, SLI, SLO

Jul 20, 2021

Now that software is delivered over the web and not in a box, how developers guarantee quality to their users has radically changed. Users do not care about version numbers or floppy disks. They just want access to a service that just works. In the microservices world, the quality of your service both to your internal users and external is measured by SLAs, SLIs, and SLOs. And how you decide what those metrics are is a key strategy.

Dave McAllister and Chris Riley are DevOps Advocates at Splunk. Follow them on Twitter at @dwmcallister​ and @hoardinginfo.