Dashboard Fridays: Sample UptimeRobot Dashboard

Dashboard Fridays: Sample UptimeRobot Dashboard

Join Adam Kinniburgh and Ashley Thompson as they showcase this example UptimeRobot Dashboard.

Built in SquaredUp with the powerful WebAPI tile, this dashboard gives an overview of monitoring configured using UptimeRobot’s website monitoring features.

Query UptimeRobot for information about your web tests, summarize them, and create a slick UptimeRobot dashboard in SquaredUp. This is an example of querying the web test data, though the other data sets are equally easy to pull in!

Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our experts top tips for building it yourself.

You learn more about this dashboard, and get your hand on the GitHub code, head over to our UptimeRobot Dashboard Gallery page: https://squaredup.com/dashboard-gallery/uptime-robot-dashboard/