CircleCI Scheduled Pipelines | Getting Started

CircleCI Scheduled Pipelines | Getting Started

Dec 6, 2021

In this demo, Zan Markan, CircleCI developer advocate, explains how scheduled pipelines work, common use cases, and how to get started.

In a hurry? Skip to what you're looking for:

0:00 - 1:00 - Introduction information

1:00 - 2:27 - Use cases for scheduling CI/CD work

2:28 - 3:30 - Difference with new scheduled pipelines

3:30 - 7:56 - Setting up a scheduled pipeline

7:57 - 9:10 - Using the GUI

9:11 - 11:06 - Migrating from scheduled workflows

11:06 - 11:40 - Conclusion

What are scheduled pipelines?
Scheduled Pipelines are a new functionality from CircleCI to help customers run scheduled work. They are intended to replace scheduled workflows, which will eventually be deprecated. if you have been using CircleCI for some time you likely have encountered them.

Let us know how you fare with scheduled pipelines, porting your scheduled workflows, or if you’d like to see any additions to the UI or API features.

To learn more, visit: