Break Free from APM's Shackles: Unlock True Resilience with Catchpoint IPM

Break Free from APM's Shackles: Unlock True Resilience with Catchpoint IPM

Are traditional Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools holding you back? Discover how Catchpoint's Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) can transform your approach to digital experience monitoring and unlock true resilience. In this video, we delve into the limitations of APM and how IPM addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive visibility across the entire Internet stack, from backend infrastructure to end-user experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the limitations of traditional APM: no end-user perspective, limited SaaS & PaaS visibility, no external or global performance visibility, high alert thresholds, and lack of real-world resilience.
  • Learn how Catchpoint's IPM provides proactive, outside-in monitoring with Internet Synthetic Monitoring, ensuring visibility into all components of your Internet stack.
  • See how industry leaders like SAP have combined APM with Catchpoint IPM to achieve faster resolution times and eliminate war rooms.
  • Explore real-world examples and benefits of integrating IPM into your monitoring tool stack to enhance digital experience and business operations.

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