AIOps Essentials: How to Reduce Noise in Ingested Telemetry on Elastic | AIOps Use Cases (2/5)

AIOps Essentials: How to Reduce Noise in Ingested Telemetry on Elastic | AIOps Use Cases (2/5)

Jan 12, 2023

Artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) is a way to automate tasks that are typically carried out by site reliability engineers (SREs). It aims to make the lives of SREs easier by helping them reduce the amount of noise coming from systems, surface issues more easily, and perform root cause analysis by correlating data from different systems.

In this video, we continue our series on implementing AIOps using the Elastic Stack. We recap the process of collecting logs, metrics, and traces from 11 microservices running in a Kubernetes cluster and show how we can use this data to reduce noise and extract relevant information. We use the Elastic Stack search function to filter through 36 million log lines and demonstrate how field statistics can provide insights into the types of services and messages being logged. This video is useful for anyone looking to implement AIOps and improve their log management using the Elastic Stack.


00:00 - Noise Reduction introduction

01:45 - Discover and Logs

04:28 - Searching on Logs with Elastic

06:21 - Automatic Field Statistics

10:47 - Explain Log Rate Spikes

14:25 - Root Cause of a log spike

14:55 - Log pattern analysis

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#AIOps #Observability #DevOps #ElasticObservability #ElasticStack #LogManagement #Kubernetes #Microservices #DataReduction