AIOps Essentials: Automating actions from AIOps analysis | AIOps Use Cases (5/5)

AIOps Essentials: Automating actions from AIOps analysis | AIOps Use Cases (5/5)

Jan 12, 2023

Artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) is a way to automate tasks that are typically carried out by site reliability engineers (SREs). It aims to make the lives of SREs easier by helping them reduce the amount of noise coming from systems, surface issues more easily, and perform root cause analysis by correlating data from different systems.

In this video, we discuss automation in the context of AIOps. We have collected a lot of data, reduced noise, and identified issues and root causes. Now, we look at how to take action on these anomalies. Elastic provides several options for this, including alerts and insights, rules, and connectors. We demonstrate how to create a rule for anomaly detection alerts on custom jobs, and set up actions such as sending an email or webhook when an anomaly is detected and recovered. This allows for closing the loop in the AIOps process by automating actions and responses to detected issues.


00:00 - Introduction

01:41 - Creating Rules

04:00 - Email Action

09:27 - Metric threshold alert

12:35 - Alert Dashboard

14:40 - Verifying the anomalies

16:12 - Degrading the service on purpose

18:56 - 21x lower performance detected

20:41 - Emails and Inspecting triggers

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#AnomalyDetection #AIOps #Observability #DevOps #ElasticObservability