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Limit deployments to Platform.sh only with tags: part one

Throughout the years, many users have asked us if it’s possible to only deploy to Platform.sh when a tag is pushed using a source code integration. The answer is: with our current source integrations, it's not—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Platform.sh is based on Git and because of this, acts as a remote for your code repository.

Standardizing your web application stack and how to do it

Managing web applications from the ground up can be a daunting task. One application alone can quickly grow in complexity, let alone the multiple applications that are often required by different business units and stakeholders growing simultaneously. Add the ever-changing landscape of trendy frameworks and runtimes, and you quickly find yourself with an unmanageable mess of different technologies. Standardizing your application stack can help reduce the clutter.

Proudly announcing Platform.sh's participation in the Data Privacy Framework (DPF)

As individuals become increasingly conscious of their personal data and how it is used, compliance with data protection regulations is a top priority for organizations worldwide. However, a challenge arose with cross-border transfers of personal data between the EU and the US following the Schrems II ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union, leading to the creation of a new privacy framework.

Zurich, a new low-carbon-powered public region, now available on Platform.sh

The new Platform.sh Swiss public region empowers organizations to meet sustainability, data localization, and compliance requirements in the Zurich Google Cloud region. Our new public region has been launched in response to increasing demand from Swiss businesses—and those with an international footprint doing business in Switzerland—that need to ensure their data is held locally.

Simple. Streamlined. Secure. Effortless user management has arrived with Teams

Have you ever found yourself dreaming of an easier way to collaborate on projects? Tired of individually managing users across multiple projects? Or perhaps you long for the day when auditing user access across your organization can be done in a flash? Well, you’re in luck!

Github Actions 101: your 1st action l SymfonyCon Brussels 2023

We all know we should be doing more automation of our software development lifecycle, but getting started can be challenging. Even if you have experience in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automation, learning a specific platform’s terminology and idiosyncrasies can be frustrating.

Regex: demystifying the hieroglyphics l SymfonyCon Brussels 2023

While regular expressions can certainly look like hieroglyphics, once you understand the basics, you can unlock massive amounts of power in your searches and work. You're working with some data and find yourself needing to find a specific piece of information, but your searches keep matching things that you don’t want. While basic searches are fine for some things, every once in a while you need something more powerful.