Cycle aims to give you maximum flexibility with how you architect your application. By marking a container as ‘stateful’, you’re declaring that the container and its instances should be treated more like pets than cattle, but more on that analogy below. The need to maintain state should never be a deciding factor when considering whether or not to containerize as containers are simply portable code packages.
Updating information held on container volumes, debugging a running instance, backing up files locally, or just making sure everything is where you expect it to be… remote access is an integral part of any system.
Secure access to your own private registry helps control who has access to your images. Compared to usage-based services such as Docker Hub and Quay, a Cycle hosted private registry only consumes the resources you give it access to, yielding a more cost-effective deployment. Let’s take a look at how simple it is to deploy a private Docker registry on Cycle.
Moving your WordPress Site to Cycle is incredibly fast and easy. Let’s take a look at what we’ll need to follow along with this tutorial. If you don’t have that set up, take a moment now to do that so you can follow along. For assistance reach out to us directly on our public slack channel, or visit the Cycle documentation.