7 Proven Digital Marketing Practices for Your Business Growth

7 Proven Digital Marketing Practices for Your Business Growth

Aug 10, 2022
4 minutes

Every business landscape has become highly competitive, and its dynamics keep changing. If you aspire to sustain your enterprise profitably, engage customers effectively, rope in qualified leads consistently and steal the march over adversaries, you have to rely on proven digital marketing strategies.

They will propel your business on a growth trajectory, improve its visibility, build your credibility, and offer timely insights into evolving market pulse. All these can happen even if you are running low on budget.

Best Digital Marketing Practices for Consistent Business Growth

This section introduces you to highly targeted and effective digital marketing practices that will empower your business to march ahead profitably, riding on the back of loyal customers.

Prepare Marketing Funnel Customized to Unique Aspects of Your Business

A digital marketing strategy can work wonders only when you know how to deploy them to drive leads in the direction leading to CTA (Call to Action). 

The funnel essentially involves mapping out every step the lead has to go through. This starts with the lead prospecting stage and goes through 'lead becoming a buyer' to 'being a loyal customer.'

The marketing funnel helps prioritize, organize, and implement digital marketing methods effectively. This happens due to:

  • Proper mapping of the aspirations, expectations, and needs of leads at each stage
  • Efficient catering to prospects' desires through various touchpoints in alignment with specific conditions

Build and Maintain a Database of Leads

Effective targeting of leads through digital means calls for building a database of qualified prospects who can be reached for marketing your business products. You can achieve this by compiling prospects' digital addresses through

  • your brand's social media page,
  • by sending a personalized invitation for the brand's email list subscription,
  • by carrying out web surveys
  • by collecting contact info through the registration page of your brand's site.

Once a database is in place, segment the leads based on

  • Gender, age, place, and other demographic factors
  • Interests
  • Buying history 

Segmentation will empower you to craft your digital sales pitch in accordance with the persona of targeted buyers.

For instance, you can obtain exclusive final expense leads if you need to focus on a niche market of individuals who are actively seeking financial planning solutions related to end-of-life expenses. By refining your lead generation strategies based on the segmentation data, you can better cater to the unique needs of this specific group and increase the likelihood of converting them into valuable customers for your final expense products.

Keep polishing the list by removing invalid emails, eliminating subscribers who don't respond to your CTAs, and striking out duplicate names. You can use Artificial Intelligence powered digital technologies to validate your prospects' list.

Improve Awareness About your Brand Through Personalized Social Media Activities

You can leverage your brand's social media page for engaging with prospects regularly and roping in new customers. To make page visitors spread the word about your business through word-of-mouth promotion, you may host fun activities like quizzes or giveaways.

The outcomes of your effort can be optimized by:

  • Interacting with visitors directly in a personalized tone consistent with your brand's persona
  • Not making the activity drab or distracting for leads by trying to be too informative
  • Complementing content with exciting images or videos about your brand's superlative offerings
  • Integrated social media buttons to facilitate ease of sharing of activity results by leads with others
  • Not compelling leads to subscribe to your CTA

Use Video Marketing To Expand Your Business's Outreach

Meaningful, immersive, informative, and fun videos that innovatively showcase how your brand's offerings can help improve customers' lives and positively impact your digital marketing endeavor. 

People love to watch videos. Social platforms like YouTube and Facebook have made watching videos easier by allowing videos to self-play once the focus is on them. 

You can use a good-quality free online video maker to make videos that can command audiences' attention. YouTube prides itself on being the second most effective search engine after Google. Once your videos start ranking better on YouTube, you will not have to worry about other search engine optimization tactics.

You may make videos on various topics like:

  • Review of brand's products and services to unlock their value proposition
  • A how-to guide for helping viewers troubleshoot problems on their own
  • Insights into processes and operations defining your business's functioning
  • Interviews of senior leaders or customers' testimonials for building trust and promoting transparency
  • Updates on upcoming product launches, offers, discounts, etc.
  • Live videos for direct interaction of management with customers
  • Results achieved after using your products

The role of a good video maker is paramount for making this digital marketing practice successful.

Use Email Marketing to Keep Leads Engaged

You can build a long-term relationship with customers through emails. For this, you have to use occasion-based relevant email formats to engage subscribers. These have been outlined below.

  • Welcome email, thank new subscribers and update them about your brand's story
  • Offer mails provide info on free resources and informative content
  • Educative emails provide value with videos, infographics, blogs, etc.
  • Exclusive offer mails strengthen the bond with customers through special offers, discounts, etc.

If you are a franchise looking for a solution tailored to your requirements, you should look at specialist franchise marketing solutions that provide digital marketing services and lead management.

Optimize The Potential of Paid Social Media Ads

You can drive in highly targeted leads to your site by creating ad campaigns with cost-efficient social media paid ads. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn all offer compelling ad features to target leads based on specific characteristics. 

Before buying paid ads, research social media platforms most frequented by leads you want to target.

Deploy a Mix of Proven Digital Marketing Practices

This may sound generic, but you have several integrated marketing strategies at your disposal to choose from. These include:

  • Conduct surveys to gather feedback from customers for following up on the same
  • Promote your brand value with reviews and experiences of satisfied consumers, motivated employees, influencers, etc.
  • Give back to the community in ways that resonate well with your brand and share your corporate social responsibility vision with social audiences
  • Use podcasts to help leads understand your brand's equity
  • Post infographics so that leads can understand your products' value through visually appealing, well-distilled, and concise content
  • Have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page on-site to answer common queries of leads
  • Run online contests that inspire buyers to collect freebies after purchasing your products

Prioritize Engagement During Product Launches

A successful product launch can significantly affect customer satisfaction and perception of your brand. It's crucial to engage your audience throughout the launch process. This could involve early teasers, sneak peeks, or exclusive previews for your loyal customers. Working with experienced product launch strategists who understand your industry niche can help you launch your product successfully and set you on the path to gaining satisfied customers. Those in the alternative ingredient products industry may go to Kyck Starts or similar trusted sources for a data-driven product launch strategy. Not only does this build excitement, but it also creates a sense of exclusivity and rewards your customers for their loyalty.


Digital marketing practices can give your business a competitive edge even in saturated markets. However, you must continuously evaluate the efficacy of strategies employed and proactively make trend-dictated needful changes to reap optimum benefits.

Digital campaigns are highly effective in delivering astounding returns on investment. If you have not embraced the aforementioned best practices, start soon, as 89% of all businesses have already adopted a digital-first strategy to fuel their growth.