4 Items Every First Responder Needs to Have

4 Items Every First Responder Needs to Have

Even though there's no denying that being a first responder is a very rewarding job and people who choose this career path are usually very compassionate and humane, the truth is, that it's one of the most difficult and stressful jobs in the world.

These people are continuously under huge stress because they are frequently put into serious, oftentimes life-death situations. That's why they always must be prepared. If you're just getting started when it comes to this career path, then you should take a look at the list of essentials you must always have on your hands.

Nowhere Without First-Aid Kit

This is practically mandatory, due to the fact that a first-aid kit contains all the necessities that are required for urgent situations. There are two options at your disposal as far as this is concerned. You can opt for wall mounted first aid kit and the regular version of it. Both options are generally great.

One of the reasons why a wall-mounted first aid kit is a bit more practical is because it's very convenient and can easily be accessed. In it, you can store all the necessary items that are intended for the urgencies.

What’s good about it, is the fact that you can mount it at a height and at a specific location that will allow you to quickly access it and notice it right off the bat in case of emergency.

Moving On To Adhesive Bandages

Here's another item that's often seen with first responders and that's because they are very useful and practical in case you deal with relatively minor problems, such as blisters, small cuts, and abrasions.

When it comes to this, it would be smart to bring with you bandages of different sizes because you can never predict whether you’ll deal with more or less serious injuries and wounds. Furthermore, it doesn’t hurt to have a vast selection of adhesive bandages, starting from smaller strips to bigger dressings.


A vast majority of first responders consider this a must because gauze is an item that has different purposes. Not only does it keep wounds dry and prevent bleeding, but it also pads a bandage.

Now, a lot of people (who aren’t too familiar with it) think that gauze and dressings are practically the same, which is not true. Namely, unlike dressings (at least most of them), gauze enables airflow to the wound.

If you decide to have it within your reach, then it would be smart to bring a variety of different sizes and styles of gauze, like:

  • Gauze roll bandage around 1.5 inches
  • Five bigger sterile gauze pads (around 4 inches)
  • Five medium sterile gauze pads (around 3 inches)

A Flashlight

If you're in a situation where you're dealing with a disaster that is occurring at night in a place where there's no lighting, you won't be able to see what exactly is going on. That's why you need a flashlight to see exactly what is happening and where you need to provide assistance.

There are so many tools first responders rely on whenever they are dealing with urgencies, however, today we decided to enumerate the ones that are considered the basics and that always come in handy.