
Allentown, PA, USA
  |  By AlertBot
To say that site uptime vendors deliver notifications is about as insightful as saying that cars have steering wheels, planes have wings, or TikTok videos have cringe. It’s a given. But this doesn’t mean that all vendors use the same notification playbook. Some vendors offer basic (read: superficial) notification features, while others offer advanced notification features.
  |  By AlertBot
About 25 years ago, if someone told you to “Google” something, you’d probably smile, nod politely, and walk (or perhaps run) away. But now, Googling is the unofficial international pastime.
  |  By AlertBot
One of the most valuable features of AlertBot’s web monitoring solution is that is automatically and continuously scans web pages for hundreds of possible errors, uniquely identifies them, and even captures a screenshot. Today, we’re going to take a deeper look at one of the many possible errors that AlertBot flags as part of its ongoing scans: HTTP 500 errors.
  |  By AlertBot
Here at AlertBot, we know that our customers don’t want to get bogged down with mountains of raw information about their websites and related processes. Instead, they want clear, organized, and reliable intelligence that tells them: what happened recently, what’s happening now, what’s likely to happen in the near future — and what they can do about it. That’s where email reports enter the story.
  |  By AlertBot
As you may have already discovered (or will soon encounter), many vendors that offer uptime monitoring solutions charge a setup fee. But instead of seeing this as a legitimate cost, you should view it as stop sign. There are three reasons why.
  |  By AlertBot
If we start by sharing that AlertBot’s alert group feature lets you, well, alert certain groups, then you might wonder what earth-shattering revelations we have in store — such as water is wet, fire is hot, and the pain of Game of Throne’s final season will never, ever go away (seriously, whatever happened to Gendry?!). Yes, you’re right: the alert group feature IS about alerting groups of people about a site failure — but as George R.R.
  |  By Louis Kingston
In the vast, mystical realm of the internet, where websites come to life and cat videos rule the land, there resides a hidden hero – Website Monitoring. Armed with lightning-fast reflexes and a vigilante’s keen eye, this unsung champion is the secret sauce to soaring traffic.
  |  By AlertBot
Back in the 1970s when bell bottoms roamed the world and 8-tracks reigned supreme, the Eagles warned us that Hotel California was a place where you could “checkout anytime you like, but you can never leave.” Well, on the 21st century e-commerce landscape there is a similar dilemma facing customers who want to buy everything from gardening equipment to a new car: they can try to checkout anytime they like, but they can never buy.
  |  By AlertBot
It is so low-tech that Gen Z’ers and other digital natives may faint (or perhaps the avatar in a VR game that they are playing may faint) to learn that one of the greatest inventions in the history of our species is the humble do-not-disturb sign. Indeed, this magical placard is like having a very own private Gandalf shouting: YOU SHALL NOT PASS! However, the glory of do-not-disturb is not limited to hotels, motels, and teenagers’ bedrooms.
  |  By AlertBot
The year was 1995. Michael Jordan returned to the NBA. Amazon sold its first book. Windows 95 unleashed the era of taskbars, long filenames, and the recycle bin. And when people weren’t dancing the Macarena, they were flocking to see Apollo 13 and hear Tom Hanks utter the phrase that would launch millions of (mostly annoying) impersonations: “Houston, we have a problem.”

AlertBot provides a fully integrated monitoring platform that can monitor all of your websites, web applications, mobile sites and services all in one place. Nothing to install, nothing to maintain.

Our AlertBot® service allows businesses to continuously monitor the availability and performance of their public Internet services from around the country and around the world. When AlertBot detects a problem with a business’ websites or servers, the AlertBot service analyzes the problem within seconds from multiple geographic locations and delivers real-time alerts to the business’ system administrators via devices like cell phones and pagers. This allows administrators to fix issues quickly and deliver the uptime and performance their companies expect and their customers demand.