Watch this video for a high level introduction to VictoriaMetrics, the open source time series database & monitoring solution as well as the company of the same name.
This video walks you through the inner workings of VictoriaMetrics: All combined and in a nutshell, VictoriaMetrics boasts: Enjoy the video and let us know if you have any questions via the comments section.
Building a company around free software product is not something new. What's less common is creating a company in order to build a free software product. This talk will cover our story of creating time series database, the lessons we learned, the mistakes we made. The free software world has changed over the last years. The one thing remains essential - importance of community, people who use the product.
Recently, #PMM replaced Prometheus with #VictoriaMetrics. In the talk we want to cover the motivation behind this transition, the architecture and internals of PMM and technical details of the replacement. The talk is going to be held by members of both organizations who took a part in migration: #Percona and VictoriaMetrics.
This talk will be about the problems with the Vanilla Prometheus architecture and how to solve metrics at scale using victoria metrics. The speaker will touch base on all the victoria metrics components, best practices for monitoring infrastructure.
In the pursuit of performance, it is often necessary to move to the "dark side", sacrificing the quality of the code and the clarity of the API. This report will reveal some of these sins on examples from my practice.