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How High Performing Teams Automate Artifact Management and CI/CD

Join CircleCI and JFrog as we discuss best practices for artifact management, security analysis and quality assurance in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Learn how high performing development teams utilize CircleCI and JFrog to speed up their development process and deliver better code, faster and with confidence.

Accelerate Cloud Adoption with CircleCI and Altostra's No-Code Infrastructure Platform

IaC languages like CloudFormation have made cloud management more efficient at scale, but have also added layers of complexity and more risk for human error. To get to market fast, developers need to accelerate software delivery while ensuring quality. CircleCI’s industry-leading CI/CD platform seamlessly integrates with Altostra’s no-code infrastructure to simplify cloud application development, leaving no room for error.

How to get your first green build on CircleCI

In this video we'll help you set up your first CircleCI build, run your first CircleCI build, break that build, use workflows to build our configuration file, and then advance workflows by fanning in and fanning out. We’ll then be adding some changes to use workspaces. And finally, we will conclude this learning activity by SSH’ing into your build.