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Intro To Flyway - Enabling Cross Database Migrations

In this video Solution Engineer Dave Ong will provide you with an insight into Flyway, Redgate’s cross database solution to help you manage database migrations and achieve your DevOps goals. We will look at how you can leverage both versioned and repeatable migrations with both manual and CI/CD deployments that can be unlocked with the power of Flyway.

Using SQL Clone with Githooks & Branch Policies in Azure DevOps

Switching branches quickly and testing Pull Request code when working on database changes is no easy thing, but fear not! Join Chris Unwin in this video to find out how you can set up SQL Clone to allow developers to preserve changes when switching branches, and how teams can review code against a live DB, rather than relying on the raw code in version control.

Using the SQL Change Automation PowerShell cmdlets with Jenkins

In this video you’ll get an overview of how Redgate’s SQL Change Automation PowerShell module can plug into Jenkins using pipeline-as-code to build and deploy your SQL Server Databases. For more information, feel free to email in, leave a comment below or visit the Redgate website!