Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2021

Database monitoring with Sumo Logic and OpenTelemetry-powered distributed tracing

We are living in a data world. Data describes and controls almost every aspect of our life, from the president's elections to everyday grocery shopping. Data grows exponentially and so does the complexity of applications that manage that data. We all know the recent shift to microservices and other revolutionary changes that happened in the way we design, develop, deploy and operate modern applications.

How teams are breaking down data silos to improve software delivery

Over the past decade, the software development landscape has shifted dramatically. Long development cycles resulting in big releases are now a thing of the past. Instead, the focus is on delivering value to the customer quickly and efficiently through small releases delivered at a high frequency. This shift is not without its challenges. Increased release velocity means an increased threat to security and reliability. To combat this, teams must collaborate fluidly across the organization.

Host and process metrics - monitoring beyond apps

Consumers and users of applications expect near 100% availability and reliability to work, transact, collaborate, etc. There’s a lot of talk about monitoring the performance of the application itself, but what about the underlying systems and components supporting the app, and in particular the infrastructure it sits on? If any piece of this stack fails, it can negatively impact the user experience, and in turn, your business.