Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

February 2023

How to install the Site24x7 APM Insight Node.js agent

This video will walk you through the process of installing the Site24x7 APM Insight Node.js agent. The APM Insight Node.js agent automatically instruments supported frameworks (like Express, Koa, and Hapi) and records interesting events, like HTTP requests, database queries, errors, exceptions, web API calls, and remote calls. This installation method works in both Linux and Windows environments. Related notes and links.

How to verify the license key for a .NET application

Learn how to verify the license key when the.NET monitor fails to be created in the Site24x7 web client. About Site24x7 Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for DevOps and ITOps. Monitor the experience of real users accessing websites and applications from desktop and mobile devices. Site24x7's in-depth monitoring capabilities enable DevOps teams to monitor and troubleshoot applications, servers, and network infrastructures (including private and public clouds). End-user experience monitoring is done from over 90 locations across the world and various wireless carriers.