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November 2018

Upgraded Ecto logging hooks to Telemetry in new Agent 0.4.8

Recently the Ecto library released a major update - Version 3.0. As part of the changes, some of the hooks that Scout relied on to capture data have changed. No longer can we hook into Ecto's logging system to extract information about queries being run, and instead we have a proper Telemetry event to listen to.

Scout Visits Cookpad in Japan

The Tokyo Scout team attended Rails Tokyo #37, a Rails focused get-together that is open to any Rails topic. It was hosted at the Cookpad office in Tokyo, which has some of the best Rails engineers in Japan. In this large open area there were tables, a screen for presentations and a large kitchen island. At these Cookpad events, Cookpad provides an extensive meal prepared in house by a chef!!

Birds of a Fiber: A look at Falcon, a modern asynchronous web server for Ruby

The GitHub Readme describes Falcon as, "... *a multi-process, multi-fiber rack-compatible HTTP server ... Each request is executed within a lightweight fiber and can block on up-stream requests without stalling the entire server process." The gist: Falcon aims to increase throughput of web applications by using Ruby’s Fibers to be able to continue serving requests while other requests are waiting on IO (ActiveRecord queries, network requests, file read/write, etc).