Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

February 2022

Implementing distributed tracing in a nodejs application

In this article, we will implement distributed tracing for a nodejs application based on microservices architecture. To implement distributed tracing, we will be using open-source solutions - SigNoz and OpenTelemetry, so you can easily follow the tutorial. In modern microservices-based applications, it is difficult to understand how requests are performing across multiple services, infrastructure, and protocols.

Advanced filters on the upcoming Traces tab, 40+ PRs and getting featured - SigNal 09

Hola! Welcome to SigNal 09, where I will run you through the updates of the first month of 2022! The focus of the month was our upcoming brand new Traces page. It will enhance the application debugging experience manifolds with powerful filters to see your data across different dimensions. We also launched our Technical Writer Program. The idea is to educate our community more about SigNoz, OpenTelemetry, and distributed tracing among other things.