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May 2021

What is Prometheus Pushgateway?

Prometheus is a free and open-source software for real-time systems and event monitoring and alerting. Originally developed at SoundCloud, Prometheus became a project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2016, alongside other popular frameworks such as Kubernetes. To start using Prometheus, you’ll need a solid understanding of all of the tool’s functionality.

What is Prometheus - Use cases

Prometheus is an open-source tool that’s meant to monitor and collect metrics from applications. The point of this system is to make it easy for users to see and understand important metrics that let them know how well an application is doing. In fact, Prometheus is able to collect over one million metrics per second, and then store them until you’re ready to retrieve them.

What Is Thanos - Use Cases

When you hear the word "Thanos," your first thought might be the Marvel Cinematic Universe villain from the Avengers: Infinity War film who seeks to collect the Infinity Stones and end half of all life in the universe. But if you mention the word to a data nerd, you're likely to get a very different response. Prometheus is a free and open-source platform for real-time systems and event monitoring and alerting.