Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2021

Webinar: Understanding Serverless Observability with AWS and Lumigo

Serverless experts from AWS and Lumigo go over how to add monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing to your serverless applications. Learn how to track serverless health metrics by getting visibility and alerts on specific serverless issues. Then troubleshoot using visual serverless maps, correlated AWS services, and logs to understand what service requires attention to keep high levels of application reliability.

Webinar: How Serverless is Changing the Cost Paradigm

-One of the key characteristics of serverless components is the pay-per-use pricing model. For example, with AWS Lambda, you don’t pay for the uptime of the underlying infrastructure but just the number of invocations and how long your code actually runs. This removes the need for many micro-optimizations. As a result, many applications would run at a fraction of the cost if they were moved to serverless.