Toronto Open Source Data Infrastructure Meetup - May 2023

Toronto Open Source Data Infrastructure Meetup - May 2023

Jun 12, 2023

A recording from the first Open Source Data Infrastructure meetup in Toronto, hosted by Aiven on May 17, 2023. The video features a talk by Matty Stratton, Director of Developer Relations at Aiven, and Kat Cosgrove, Lead Developer Advocate at Dell:

"Databases: A History of Places to Put Your Stuff"

We rely on context a lot as software engineers, passing state around so one function knows what the last did, and how it was impacted by the one before that, and on and on. Without passing around context, a lot of things would be much more difficult to build, or at least much more wordy. People need context too. Sure, we’re smarter than a function that only knows how to do one thing, and we can figure it out eventually, but it’s easier to learn a new tool or concept if someone gives us the historical context.

Databases have been around for a long time! Longer than you might think, in fact. Having the context of the evolution and history of how data has been stored, accessed, and operated helps us understand why things might work (or not work!) the way that they do. In this talk, Matty and Kat will take you on a journey through the history of databases and how they’ve changed and evolved - which should help give you some insight into the technical hurdles and pain points that led to where we are today. You’ll come away with the historical context of databases!


7:00 The 1950s and 60s

16:56 The 1970s

22:38 The 1980s

28:44 The 1990s

33:19 The 2000s (and beyond)

43:30 Conclusions

Matty Stratton: /
Kat Cosgrove: /

Aiven’s cloud data platform helps your business reach its highest potential by making your data work for you.

It provides fully managed open source data infrastructure on all major clouds, helping developers focus on what they do best: innovate and create without worrying about the limitations of technology.

We like to think that Aiven is not only a cloud data platform but also an
extension of your team. We are dedicated to helping you to succeed by removing barriers and finding the right solutions – with the help of the best data technology there is.

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