Single Vendor vs Best of Breed Solutions: A Livestream Debate on 2023 Trends

Single Vendor vs Best of Breed Solutions: A Livestream Debate on 2023 Trends

Jan 19, 2023

Will companies seek out best of breed solutions or stick to single vendor ecosystems. Traditionally, companies have liked dealing with vendors that could provide broad solutions to limit the number of vendors they had to deal with and make integregration easier. Companies would tolerate less than ideal tool capabilities because the strength of tools working together as a solution outweighed capability issues with any one tool. Times are changing and integration is easier than ever.

Join the livestream with Ed Bailey and Nick Heudecker as they discuss the pros and cons of single vendor and best of breed solutions. Barbs and technical details will fly as they have a spirited discussion. Join the live stream and let your thoughts on this subject be heard.