The Debrief: How to level up your incident management program with Jeff Forde of Collectors

The Debrief: How to level up your incident management program with Jeff Forde of Collectors

Today, incident management is a core part of organizations, both big and small.

But what if you don't have an established incident management program, where do you start? Or what if you already have a program, but you're looking to optimize it a bit? Where do you start in that case?

Consider another situation: What if you're an established organization with years of incident management experience—what are some things that you can do to take things to the next level?

To talk through all of these scenarios and more, we sat down with Jeff Forde, Architect on the Platform Engineering team at Collectors.

Jeff has been a part of organizations at each of these phases, playing a key role in developing the incident management programs those organizations have today.

If you're looking for actionable advice on how to level up your incident management, then this is the episode for you.