Cloud Native Telco Evolution: From Virtualized to Containerized Network Functions

Cloud Native Telco Evolution: From Virtualized to Containerized Network Functions

May 21, 2019

From purpose-built hardware to virtual machines and now containers, service providers and telcos are re-thinking how they deploy and deliver cloud and network services. These service providers are on a journey to break down their monolithic stacks into small, reusable components that are consistent with a micro-services architecture.

In this presentation, join Chief Technology Officer of CloudOps Will Stevens and Container Solutions Architect of CloudOps Alex Menezes as they discuss and demo:

  • How CloudOps leverages a variety of cloud native tools such as Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE), RancherVM, Kubevirt, Multus, Tungsten Fabric and other related technologies to support the telco --evolution.
  • Ideas for how to containerise telco network functions that can be orchestrated by Kubernetes.