2021 Kubernetes on Big Data Report: Data Management | Pepperdata

2021 Kubernetes on Big Data Report: Data Management | Pepperdata

Get the Pepperdata 2021 Kubernetes on Big Data report and start your journey of better understanding how your competitors are managing their data with Kubernetes.

Download here: https://www.pepperdata.com/2021-kubernetes-migration-trends
#2021KubernetesReport #2021BigDataReport #Pepperdata

Cloud vendors have proliferated and promised users optimal performance and tight spend. Still, many of these vendors don't provide visibility into Kubernetes big data, resulting in performance issues, poor resource allocation, overspending, and ineffective tuning. To fully optimize your Kubernetes big data, maximize performance, and reduce spend, you need to step beyond the basic K8s measurements and look at app performance.

This survey was conducted using Pollfish in October of 2021, among 600 participants across a range of industries. A majority (62%) worked at companies with between 500 and 5,000 employees. Here's what we discovered:

Types of big data applications migrated to Kubernetes:

Spark (63%)
Presto (45%)
Kafka (42%)
Trina (34%)
Flink (27)

Percentage of workloads expected to be migrated to containers with Kubernetes by end of 2021:

50% of workloads (38.5%)
75% of workloads (28.5%)
25% of workloads (18.5%)
100% of workloads (10.17%)

Main goals in migrating to containers with Kubernetes

Increase application performance/stability (45.33%)
Flexibility and portability of workloads (27.17%)
Decrease cost (17.5%)
Leverage a multi-cloud solution to avoid being locked in with one cloud vendor (10%)

How are you monitoring your containers and Kubernetes today?

Cloud vendor solution (42.67%)
Prometheus and Grafana (17.50%)
Still looking for a solution (14.83%)
APM solution (13%)
Prometheus (12%)

What are the metrics you monitor for Kubernetes today?

Big data applications (e.g. Spark, Kafka, or Hive) 42.17%
Resource metrics (CPU, memory, disk utilization, etc.) 28.67%
Cost metrics - 12.17%
Container metrics (resource utilization at the container level) 11.5%
None of the above 5.5%

What is your main challenge with containers and Kubernetes today?

Allocation and reallocation of resources (29.83%)
Lack of comprehensive visibility and monitoring tools (26.17%)
Fragmented Kubernetes marketplace (20.17%)
Complexity and scaling (14.67%)
Hard to manually tune Kubernetes (9.17%)

Download the report: https://www.pepperdata.com/2021-kubernetes-migration-trends

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