Live demo on Oracle monitoring using the NiCE Oracle Management Pack. Presentation & Speaker is Christian Heitkamp, CEO at NiCE IT Management Solutions
This week Matthew Long and Richard Benwell are joined by Christian Heitkamp from NiCE IT Management Solutions GmbH to discuss cross platform monitoring using SCOM.
This live demo session, held by Linh Nguyen, SAP architect and founder of OZSoft and Christian Heitkamp, Product Manager at NiCE, will be focused on illustrating how you can effectively monitor your SAP, HANA, ASE and BusinessObjects (BOBJ) environment in SCOM.
This live demo session is focused on illustrating how you can use the new NiCE Oracle Management Pack 4.0 4 to effectively monitor your Oracle DBs in SCOM. You will leave the session with a clear understanding of how the solution can help you in your own environment and pick up tips & tricks that you may not already know.
Christian Heitkamp, Product Director at NiCE IT Management Solutions, gave a very insightful presentation on 'Azure Operations Insight and Intelligent Packs in Action' at the SCU APAC 2015 event in Singapore.