Top Tips for Succeeding in Your TESOL Certification Course

Top Tips for Succeeding in Your TESOL Certification Course

Getting out of your comfort zone to go and teach English abroad is a decision that will bring you unforgettable experiences and wonderful memories. But don’t pack your bags just yet! First, you need to gain the necessary skills to become a professional teacher. In other words, you need to get yourself a TEFL qualification.

A quick online search will show you countless course providers, which makes navigating TESOL certification courses quite daunting. Luckily, there are just a few things you should look out for to help you choose the more suitable course for your needs.

How to choose a TEFL/TESOL course

One of the most important choices you need to make is about your TEFL course. Whether you choose a face-to-face or an online option, it’s important to identify a course provider you can trust, as you’ll be investing time and effort in your future career.

  • Accreditation

A reliable course provider should offer accredited courses. Accreditation ensures that a course meets rigorous standards, provides comprehensive content, and equips teachers with the skills needed for effective instruction.

  • Comprehensive syllabus

Accredited courses cover essential methodologies, such as the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, which focuses on real-life communication rather than just grammatical accuracy. These courses help teachers develop their own language skills, so they can confidently teach grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

A good-quality TEFL course should include lesson planning and materials development sessions, with teachers learning to design engaging, well-structured lessons and adapt or create materials tailored to their students' needs.

Classroom management and student motivation are also covered extensively in accredited courses, teaching strategies to maintain a positive learning environment and engage students effectively. This section of the course should also include assessment and feedback, helping teachers measure student progress and provide constructive feedback for improvement.

  • Job-hunting support

Upon completing your course, many providers will help you search, find, and apply for your first teaching post. Make sure you find a provider that offers this kind of support.

How to complete your TEFL course successfully

No doubt earning a TEFL qualification requires effort and commitment - after all, nothing worth doing is easy. A TEFL qualification shows your future employees and students that you are a professional educator invested in their careers.

Here are a few tips to make the most of your course and increase your chances of success:

  1. Understand the course requirements

TESOL certification programs can vary in duration, content, and assessment methods. Some courses may be completed online, while others might require in-person attendance. Familiarise yourself with the course structure, including the number of modules, types of assessments (e.g., exams, assignments, teaching practice), and deadlines. Review your course syllabus beforehand to avoid last-minute stress.

  1. Manage your time effectively

Time management is one of the most critical factors in succeeding in a TESOL course. Balancing coursework with other responsibilities can be challenging, especially when working or managing personal commitments. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, create a study schedule that allocates specific times for reading, assignments, and exam preparation.

Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks, focusing on one module or topic at a time. An effective way of doing this is to prioritise tasks based on deadlines and difficulty level and ensure you leave time for revision. Using tools like calendars, planners, or apps designed for time management can help you stay organised and on track throughout the course.

  1. Apply yourself in every aspect of the course

TESOL courses typically involve a combination of theoretical learning and practical teaching practice. To get the most out of your course, actively engage in all components. During the input sessions, take detailed notes and ask questions if anything is unclear. Participating in online or in-person discussions can deepen your understanding and expose you to different perspectives.

For the practical components, such as teaching practice, approach each session with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Take constructive feedback seriously and use it to improve your teaching skills. The practical experience is invaluable in building your confidence as a future educator, so make the most of it.

  1. Avoid making assumptions

A key aspect of TESOL is having a strong understanding of the English language, not just as a speaker but as a teacher. This includes knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and language functions. English might be your first language, but don’t assume you know everything about it - it might be quite the opposite. You may find they need to brush up on certain grammatical rules or language concepts that you use instinctively but have never formally studied.

For this reason, it is extremely important to be reflective about your learning process. Reflective learning is the process of thinking critically about your experiences and using those reflections to improve future actions. In a TESOL course, this means regularly evaluating your progress, identifying areas where you struggle, and adjusting to your study methods or teaching practices.

During your course, you should be encouraged to keep a learning journal to jot down thoughts after each study session or teaching practice. Reflect on what you did well and what could be improved. Over time, this habit will help you become more self-aware and proactive in your learning process, leading to continuous improvement.

  1. Prepare thoroughly for assignments

TESOL courses often include a combination of assignments, exams, and teaching assessments. To succeed in each type of assessment, it’s essential to prepare thoroughly. For written assignments, ensure that you understand the requirements and grading criteria. Take the time to research, draft, and revise your work before submission.

Pro Tip: Staying motivated and resilient throughout the course is crucial. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you’re learning, demotivated after receiving critical feedback, or face setbacks when struggling with a difficult topic. Staying positive and viewing these challenges as opportunities to learn and grow is important.

How to make your TEFL course a success

There’s no doubt that a TEFL or TESOL course can open doors to your future teaching career, but choosing an accredited course from a reputable provider is the first step to a successful outcome. Accreditation ensures that TEFL courses are of high quality, preparing aspiring teachers for the classroom with comprehensive training.

Once you have been admitted to the course of your choice, take some time to become familiar with the syllabus and start planning your daily schedule to allow plenty of time for assignments and study time. Remember that you have signed up for the course to learn, and it’s OK not to know a lot of things about English - even if it’s your own language!

Stay humble and eager to learn, stay positive and motivated - it’ll be a great experience that marks the beginning of a new adventure.