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How to build an Internal Developer Platform on Kubernetes

How to turn Kubernetes into an Internal Developer Platform that your developers will love - it’s my new article, and it’s based on my experience building Qovery I share a few tips on how we iterate with our users, and this is gold for any Platform Engineering teams building or in the process to build their own platform. Enjoy the ride, and happy to have your feedback.

Creating Ephemeral Environments for CI/CD Pipelines with Kubernetes and Qovery

Ever feel like your release process is a slow, clunky old car? It's time to turbocharge that machine! Join me for a fun and interactive 1-hour LinkedIn Live Event where we’ll unlock the magic of ephemeral environments to get your releases zooming along the fast lane using Kubernetes, Qovery, and GitHub Actions.

Building an E2E Ephemeral Testing Environments Pipeline with GitHub Actions and Qovery

Romaric Philogène, CEO and Co-founder of Qovery - walks you through creating a complete, cost-effective Ephemeral Testing Environments pipeline in just 1 hour! Learn how to integrate GitHub Actions, K6, and Qovery to set up a seamless pipeline that enables you to deploy and test applications at speed, without breaking the bank.

Neon and Qovery - The Perfect Match for Preview Environments

Hey guys, it's Romaric from Qovery. In this video, I'll show you how to combine Neon, a Postgres serverless solution, with Qovery to easily create and clone Postgres serverless instances. I'll walk you through the process step by step, demonstrating how to spin up a new serverless instance from Neon and connect it to a to-do application. The key point is that with Neon, you can create a branch from the original environment, make changes in the branch, and those changes will only affect that branch, not the parent environment. It's a powerful feature that allows for easy experimentation and isolation. So let's dive in and see how it works!

Say Goodbye to Your Staging Environment. Use Ephemeral Environments!

Oh god! Are you not yet using Ephemeral Environments? Join this live session (recorded) with Romaric (CEO of Qovery) to learn more about Ephemeral Environments and why they will help you eliminate all the downsides of static environments like your Staging. During this session, Romaric has covered: This live session was free and perfect for technical people - CTO, VP Engineering, DevOps engineers, Platform Engineers, and Developers.

Deploy Your Production Infrastructure on AWS in 15 Minutes with Qovery

You don't know yet about Qovery? Watch this live session from Romaric (CEO of Qovery) to learn more about Qovery and deploy your production infrastructure on AWS. During this session, Romaric covers: This session is free and perfect for technical people - CTO, VP Engineering, DevOps engineers, Platform Engineers, and Developers.

Qovery Demo Day June 2023

Qovery is a platform delivering Environments as a Service in your Cloud, where you can build, deploy and test in production-like environments. Qovery turns app deployment and environment provisioning on AWS a breeze. Developers can instantly spin up production-like environments and start shipping in seconds. Join Albane (Product Marketing at Qovery), Romaric (CEO at Qovery) and Hamza (Senior Solution Engineer at Doppler) to see in action what we worked on last month and what's next.