Ben, Josh, and John discuss pricing, including how to approach pricing, what they do and don't like about pricing, and how pricing works at Honeybadger and Flipper. FounderQuest Episode 16, Season 5 August 30, 2024.
In web application development, server-side logging is an important concept to get right. Great server logging helps developers quickly fix bugs and tends to enhance an application's overall reliability. This contributes to application observability, something that software teams are often working to improve. JavaScript logging is a crucial component of modern web application development and enables developers to create more reliable and secure applications.
Git is one of the most widely used collaboration tools in Software development. Even software developers working without teams often use Git as a version control system. Most people interact with Git through the command line, but many code editors and IDEs have Git integrations with built-in tools to make your workflow easier. Though Git is widely used, many developers only have a surface-level appreciation of all that Git has to offer.
If you're like me and have less than twenty years of software engineering experience, the thought of a world without Git doesn't seem possible. When I started to research for this post, I almost fell out of my chair when I read that Git was created in 2005. It doesn't seem that long ago... either that, or I'm simply getting old. When I started programming, I asked myself a question I sometimes still ask myself today - How does git work? I often find myself being scared of certain Git commands.