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May 2024

Generative AI for Kubernetes: Meet K8sGPT Open Source Project

Troubleshooting within Kubernetes environments can be a daunting task. If we could only have a magical artificial intelligence advisor that could gather all the data about what goes on the system, and tell me what’s wrong, and even how to solve it. Wouldn’t it be nice? K8sGPT is a young open source project that uses generative AI to give Kubernetes superpowers to everyone. It recently turned a year old, and is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Modern Observability 101

In technology, having “modern” capabilities is standard. Staying ahead of the curve is critical, and keeping outdated technology or processes going can be a recipe for disaster in a complex, ever-changing landscape. Ensuring the smooth functioning and performance of software systems is paramount. This is where modern observability—a sophisticated approach to monitoring and understanding the inner workings of applications and infrastructure—is required.

Does Your Observability Practice Lack Maturity? Here's What to Do.

Observability isn’t new. But organizations are struggling to adopt mature observability practices, and the impact on business is palpable. Organizations are seeing the value of observability for their applications and infrastructure—the results of our 2024 Observability Pulse survey of 500 global IT professionals reflects that across the board.

When Your Open Source Turns to the Dark Side

Not that long ago, in a galaxy that isn’t remotely far away, a disturbance in the open source world was felt with wide-ranging reverberations. Imagine waking up one morning to find out that your beloved open source tool, which lies at the heart of your system, is being relicensed. What does it mean? Can you still use it as before? Could the new license be infectious and require you to open source your own business logic? This doom’s day nightmare scenario isn’t hypothetical.