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August 2022

What Are Privacy Acts? And Why Are They Important for Your Business?

Control over our privacy is something we should all be entitled to. Privacy is a human right after all and that should be the case whether we’re on or offline. Good news is many countries around the world have introduced privacy acts for both online and offline data use over the recent years. With the internet growing astronomically in such a short period of time, more concern than ever has been placed on user data and how it's gathered, stored, and used by those who acquire it.

Privacy vs Anonymity: What's the Difference and Why They Matter

With all the new online products and services coming out, you see a lot of buzzwords used to describe them—private, anonymous, secure, open-source, safe, encrypted. News flash, words have meanings, and the terms used to describe something can give you a big hint to what that thing does well. Privacy and anonymity, or "private" and "anonymous," are two words that are frequently used interchangeably to mean no one is watching you or knows what you are up to.

Improving Information Security in the Age of Remote Work

Remote work has become popular among employees. 74% of workers say they would be less inclined to leave a company if they could work from home. No commuting, better work-life balance, greater flexibility, and increased motivation attract employees to telecommuting. Although companies offer remote work, data security concerns them. Employees might use unsecured wifi networks, leave their computers and laptops unattended, or carry confidential documents to public locations.

Is Online Privacy Dead? Why Companies Infringe on Your Digital Rights

Yes. Privacy is (mostly) dead. Not to be all doom and gloom, but the state of online privacy is far from ideal. Many of us can agree that some semblance of privacy is indeed an excellent thing. We all wish for more privacy and more control over where our data ends up, what it's being used for, and who profits from it. While the fight for digital rights still rages, the right to privacy has been completely obliterated over the past decade or so.

FOSS for Dummies: What Is Free and Open-source Software?

Are you looking for affordable software? Want to know precisely what an application is doing behind the scenes, or maybe you just want to stop giving massive corporations your hard-earned money? There is a ton of software and web platforms available online. Some cost money and infringe on your privacy, while others are open-source, transparent, and run by nonprofit organizations. The term “FOSS” is usually associated with the latter.

Amazon Photos Alternative? The Good, the Bad, and More Private Options

You've heard of Amazon, but do you have any idea how many services they actually offer? They have their online store, streaming video service, Audible for audiobooks, AWS for commercial cloud computing and server services, and so very much more. Did you know they have a cloud photo service called Amazon Photos? Well, they do. Is Amazon Photos good enough to try out, and can you trust such a massive cooperation with all of your precious photos?

5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes You Can Easily Prevent

A comprehensive organizational strategy and robust company security policy are crucial for effective cybersecurity. A company needs to make a concerted effort to design, execute, and follow through with a plan to deal with cyber-risk management from top to bottom. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for the needs of enterprises in managing cyber risk. But in order to maintain strong system security in the face of constant threats, there are some core principles that every company should follow.

Is Cybersecurity Hard? The Basics Made Easy To Understand

Being online means that we are constantly interacting with others and sharing information across borders. It also means that Google is tracking you. This virtual international travel creates countless opportunities for cybercriminals to access our personal data. If you dive into how the internet works and how to protect your privacy, you’ll start to hear the word cybersecurity a lot. But what is cybersecurity exactly? Is cybersecurity hard?