Kubernetes vs Docker vs Docker Swarm Differences | Pros & Cons Explained - Sematext

Kubernetes vs Docker vs Docker Swarm Differences | Pros & Cons Explained - Sematext

May 20, 2022

👉Docker and Kubernetes Monitoring tool: https://sematext.com/container-monitoring/
👉Logging solution for Containers: https://sematext.com/logsene/

“Kubernetes vs. Docker” is one of the most commonly asked questions by new developers. But what is docker? And what is Kubernetes? If you want to become a full-stack developer, you will need to understand both of these technologies.

In this video, we will take a look at what Docker is and how it fits into a developer's workflow. We will then look at what is Kubernetes and how it relates to Docker. We will then see what the difference is between docker and docker swarm.

Finally, we will compare Docker swarm vs Kubernetes as container orchestration tools. By the end of this video, you should have a better understanding of what Docker, Kubernetes, and Docker swarm are and which tool is right for your use case.

Additional Resources:
📚Kubernetes Cheat Sheet: https://sematext.com/kubernetes-cheat-sheet/
📚Shipping Kubernetes logs to Sematext: https://sematext.com/docs/integration/kubernetes/
📚Top 10 Free Ebooks for DevOps: https://sematext.com/resources/ebooks/

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0:00 ⏩ Intro

0:47 ⏩ What does Docker do?

1:15 ⏩What does Kubernetes do?

1:59 ⏩ Kubernetes vs Docker

2:27 ⏩What is Docker Swarm?

2:48 ⏩ Docker swarm pros and cons

3:02 ⏩ Kubernetes pros and cons

4:06 ⏩ Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes

4:45 ⏩ Conclusion