#Kubernetes November #Meetup

#Kubernetes November #Meetup

Nov 12, 2020

👉 Talk 1: Steering Your Helm Charts Towards Better Waters
😄 Speaker: Viswajith Venugopal, Staff Software Engineer at StackRox

If you’ve spent time deploying Kubernetes applications, you know it can be a pretty arduous task to configure them -- there are so many different objects, so many knobs and dials, so many cross-references to keep track of. Further, in most cases, defaults are geared towards making it easy for users to get their apps up-and-running quickly, and not for secure, production-ready configurations. In this talk, I will talk about how the best way to solve this problem is by maintaining a strict configuration-as-code practice for your Kubernetes apps, and linting Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts to ensure they follow best practices. I will talk about KubeLinter, an open source tool developed at StackRox to solve this problem, and give a brief demo showing its use.

👉 Talk 2: Managing Full Application Lifecycle Using GitOps
Speaker: Viktor Farcic, Principal DevOps Architect at Codefresh

GitOps is nothing new. Or, to be more precise, the principles of GitOps existed long before the term was invented. But hey, that’s the pattern in our industry. It is the fate of all good practices to be misunderstood, so we need to come up with new names to get people back on track. That is not to say that we are in a constant loop. Instead, I tend to think of it as a periodic reset trying to eliminate misinterpretations. GitOps is one of those resets. It fosters the practices and the ideas that existed for a while now and builds on top of them.

We’ll explore the fundamental principles of GitOps and the outcomes of those principles. We also try to answer some fundamental questions like “why do we want GitOps?”, “why isn’t everyone using GitOps?”, and whether GitOps is mature enough for everyone to adopt it. More importantly, we’ll try to see how GitOps fits into continuous delivery and how it might change the way we define application lifecycle pipelines.

Through a hands-on demo, we’ll explore a full lifecycle of applications in production. We’ll use Terraform to create and manage a Kubernetes cluster and Argo CD to deploy applications. We’ll rely on Codefresh to run pipelines that will tie those and other tools together.