How To Identify Network Issues with Traceroutes | Obkio

How To Identify Network Issues with Traceroutes | Obkio

Aug 27, 2020

When looking at a Traceroute, there's usually two important values for each hop or router: Latency Packet Loss

Latency: Refers to the time difference between the time when a packet was sent and when a response was received.

The latency between two hops can be affected by a number of things such as:

  • The distance between them
  • The medium connecting them
  • The technology used
  • The configuration on the routers
  • The network condition

To qualify the latency in a traceroute as good or bad, you should analyze historical traceroutes.

By comparing the latency over time, it's much easier to know if the latency we are looking as it normal or not.

Packet Loss: Refers to the percentage of sent packets which never received a response out of the total number of sent packets.

The rule of thumb when looking at a traceroute is very simple:
If the packet loss doesn't continue, don't panic, it's not an issue!

So how do you collect this data?

Well, a solution like Obkio's Device Performance Monitoring solution can collect that info for you.

Learn more in the complete blog post:

Obkio is a simple network performance monitoring solution that allows users to continuously monitor the health of their network and core business applications to improve the end-user experience.

Easily identify the source of a system failure and so you can quickly apply the corrective measures, right at the heart of the problem, before it affects your end users.