How to Add Assets in Asset Infinity

How to Add Assets in Asset Infinity

In this video, we will show you how to add an asset.

Click on the add asset button on the homepage.

Add asset form will open.

Enter the required details of the asset. Such as -

Asset name: Enter asset code or leave it blank to auto-generate. Asset code format can also be set under advanced settings.

Asset category: Select a category for your asset from the drop-down list.

Asset location: Add the location of the asset.

Asset status: Select the status of an asset from the dropdown list.

Dropdown values for a category, location, and status can be managed from the application settings.

Add an image for the asset by clicking on the select image.

You can add additional information such as Brand, Model, Condition of the asset and upload files as well.

Under purchase & financial information, you can save details like vendor, invoice and purchase order details along with useful life and scrap value to calculate depreciation of the assets.

In allotted information, if the asset is assigned to someone then you can mention the department or the custodian. You can manage departments under application settings.

To add any extra information about the asset, you can add any number of custom fields. Also, you can add new sections and customize the entire form from the advanced settings.

Once you have entered all the details, click on save. The asset will be added and can be viewed in the asset grid on the home page.

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