Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

January 2021

Important API metrics you should monitor

In this article, learn which API metrics you should watch and how Uptrends’ API Monitoring can help you with API tracking and reporting. It is important to know the availability, speed, and validity of API responses whether you publish an API for consumption or your website or app relies on one or more APIs. If an API slips in any of those areas, you’ve got potential trouble. Uptrends API Monitoring has multiple ways to enable you to safeguard your APIs.

User-defined functions in Multi-Step API Monitoring

When it comes to monitoring your API, you need a tool that has the flexibility to handle the complexities of a modern website or app. Uptrends’ Multi-step API gives you the power to interact with API endpoints, evaluate the results, reuse response data, create automatic variables, track custom metrics, and now transform response data with user-defined functions.