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March 2022

HugOps During Downtime: Building Empathetic Teams

While DevOps focuses on software, HugOps focuses on the people behind the software. HugOps is a way to show empathy and appreciation for the real people who are involved in building, shipping, and running software. It’s a way to acknowledge and celebrate those – the Service Reliability Engineers (SREs), SysAdmins, Engineers, and Support Staff – who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the services that we rely on running smoothly.

Shift Left Reliability Meetup March -Reliability patterns for serverless applications

Serverless technologies offer a great foundation for building resilient applications that can withstand much turbulence in the production environment. For instance, AWS Lambda automatically deploys your code to three availability zones and replaces faulty virtual machines on the fly. Despite this, there are still many other types of failures that can still affect our application. Perhaps there is an outage with a third-party service we depend on, or maybe a sudden surge in throughput has pushed us over the throughput limit and caused some user requests to be throttled.

Implementing Service Reliability In The World Of Remote Teams

In this new era that we are moving into, what does successful reliability look like for modern teams and what are the requirements that will enable us to bring better reliability for our applications and system? With new ways of working, we explore how organziations should implement better service reliability and the different challenges teams are facing.

Five Phases Of Effective Reliability Within Organizations

Reliability is important to everybody in a business. There’s a common misconception that it’s just important to engineers. We must change this mindset and think of reliability as a team sport that everyone needs to be part of. As an organization, there are five key phases to implementing effective reliability across teams.