Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

April 2022

Is Deploying Kubernetes in Air-Gapped Environments Hard? Read How This Security-Conscious Customer Radically Simplified the Deployment Process

Many federal and public sector organizations seek to capitalize on the benefits of a production-grade Kubernetes distribution in their own private data centers, which are often highly restricted and air-gapped environments. However, deploying and operating Kubernetes and other technologies in air-gapped environments is incredibly complex. Teams maintaining Kubernetes in these environments contend with restrictive network access and software supply chain security concerns.

The Need for Speed: Why Fast Data Pipelines Are the Lifeblood of a Business

Today’s businesses are looking for ways to better engage customers, improve operational decision making, and capture new value streams. As the world of data continues to grow and its pace of change accelerates, it’s never been more important for businesses to have fast access to actionable data to serve customers with personalized services, in real-time, and at scale. To do this, they need a fast data pipeline.