Perspectives on Optimizing Operations & Learnings from Monitorama 2017 in Port­land

Perspectives on Optimizing Operations & Learnings from Monitorama 2017 in Port­land

StackStorm was a silver sponsor of Monitorama 2017, and we hosted a post-show discussion with great panelists from LinkedIn, Sensu, and VictorOps- to share key insights from the show and talk about leveraging auto-remediation to optimize operations.

Wondering how to start your automation journey and which tasks you should automate first? Or have you started to automate, and are wondering how to take your automation to the next level?

Watch this video where we talk auto-remediation- creating automated workflows based on input from your monitoring systems- is a proven way to help minimize alert "noise", minimize operations engineer burn-out, and significantly increase overall system health.