How to Install dbForge Edge on Ubuntu Using Wine

How to Install dbForge Edge on Ubuntu Using Wine

Apr 9, 2024

Dive into our comprehensive tutorial on installing dbForge Edge on Ubuntu using Wine and Winetricks. This step-by-step guide covers everything from setting up Wine to configuring the necessary.NET frameworks, ensuring a seamless installation process.


0:00 Introduction

0:46 Step 1: Install Wine

1:46 Step 2: Install Winetricks

1:58 Step 3: Run Winetricks and Install the.Net Package

2:39 Step 4: Download and install dbForge Edge

3:37 Step 5: Run dbForge Studio for MySQL (part of dbForge Edge)

Commands used in this video:

Step 1: Install Wine
sudo apt update
wget -nc
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb bionic main'
sudo apt update sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging:amd64
wine --version
WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.wine_dbforge" winecfg

Step 2: Install Winetricks
sudo apt install winetricks
winetricks --version

Step 3: Run Winetricks and Install the.Net Package
winetricks dlls list | grep -i "dotnet"
WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.wine_dbforge" winetricks dotnet48

Step 4: Download and install dbForge Edge
WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.wine_dbforge" wine /home/ubuntu/Downloads/dbforgeedge.exe

Step 5: Run dbForge Studio for MySQL (part of dbForge Edge)
WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.wine_dbforge" wine "/home/ubuntu/.wine_dbforge/drive_c/Program Files/Devart/dbForge Studio for MySQL/dbforgemysql.exe"

👉 Check the full overview of dbForge Edge here:

🔥 You can download dbForge Edge trial here:

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