Getting Started With Observability on Kubernetes | Webinar with Ricardo Santos and Andreas Prins

Getting Started With Observability on Kubernetes | Webinar with Ricardo Santos and Andreas Prins

Monitoring has traditionally been a way for IT operations to gain insight into the availability and performance of its systems. However, today IT organizations require more than just monitoring. They need a deeper and more precise understanding of what is happening across their IT environment. This is challenging, as infrastructure and applications span multiple environments and are more dynamic, distributed and have to support more ongoing change than ever before.

Traditional monitoring tools often run as siloed solutions to support specific needs for different teams. This limits IT operation’s ability to detect, diagnose and quickly address incidents that occur across the entire environment. Enter observability.

In this webinar, Ricardo Santos, Director of Sales Engineering at StackState and Andreas Prins, VP of Product Management at StackState, explain how to get started with observability.

Want to learn more?
Listen to a podcast episode 'Container Runtimes and Why They Matter':
Visit the StackState docs to learn how StackState integrates with Kubernetes:
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