#022 - Kubernetes for Humans with Adrian Cockcroft (Nubank)

#022 - Kubernetes for Humans with Adrian Cockcroft (Nubank)

Mar 27, 2024

Adrian Cockcroft has played an instrumental role in shaping the modern cloud computing landscape, particularly through his contributions at Netflix and later at Amazon Web Services (AWS). With a background in computer science, Cockcroft’s career has spanned various roles, including developer, architect, and executive positions, where his insights into scalable, resilient systems design have had a profound impact.

At Netflix, Cockcroft was the Cloud Architect responsible for leading the company’s migration to a fully cloud-based architecture. This pioneering work not only helped Netflix scale its services to millions of users worldwide but also served as a case study for many other organizations transitioning to the cloud. His approach emphasized the importance of microservices architecture, continuous deployment, and automation to achieve reliability, scalability, and agility.

After Netflix, Cockcroft joined AWS as Vice President of Cloud Architecture Strategy. In this role, he has been instrumental in guiding AWS customers and the industry at large on best practices for cloud adoption and optimization. His expertise in cloud computing, DevOps practices, and microservices architecture has made him a highly respected figure in the tech community.

Cockcroft is also known for his contributions to open source and for being an advocate for the adoption of cloud-native technologies. He frequently shares his knowledge and insights through speaking engagements at technology conferences, blog posts, and social media, making complex concepts accessible to a broader audience.

Throughout his career, Cockcroft has been recognized as a forward-thinker and a key influencer in the cloud computing domain, helping shape the strategies of some of the most significant players in the tech industry. His work continues to inspire many in the field of software engineering, DevOps, and cloud architecture.

Check out his latest blog on Platform Engineering: https://adrianco.medium.com/platform-engineering-teams-done-right-b3b3d4a8ad23