
Manchester, UK
  |  By David Benson
Redis, which stands for remote dictionary server, is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is commonly used as a database, cache, and message broker. Utilizing Redis provides numerous benefits for your team and organization, which have helped drive the tool's increase in popularity. A key example of this is speed, Redis works primarily in memory, making it particularly fast for data operations.
  |  By David Benson
The ELK Stack combines three tools, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana into a complete solution that numerous organizations and teams utilize. Mastering a new tool or process can be challenging enough but learning three at once, including how these three tools interact with each other, is particularly difficult. However, to ease the learning process, there are numerous training courses and certifications for the ELK stack to help you deeply grasp how it operates and how it can be best utilized.
  |  By David Benson
Your organization, irrespective of its size, is likely creating a substantial amount of data, and deriving value and insights from this data is vital. This is where dashboards can assist you. With reporting dashboards, you can cut through the noise, and select the metrics that are pivotal to your team to begin visualizing them and the trend of these metrics through continuous monitoring, enabling your team to acquire actionable insights.
  |  By David Benson
Constructing a robust search engine functionality for your application or website is crucial to achieving effective monitoring and analysis. When discussing the best and most appropriate open-source search engines, two particularly popular solutions arise, OpenSearch and Solr. These solutions are very similar, offering the majority of the same features, capabilities, and use cases. However, there are differences between the two search engines that make them better tailored for particular scenarios.
  |  By David Benson
The combination of cost-effectiveness, scalability, accessibility, rapid deployment, and focus on core competencies has fueled the growth of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, making them increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes and industries. However, because of this increased dependency on SaaS applications, it has become essential to conduct effective monitoring.
  |  By David Benson
Monitoring tools are critical for DevOps, enabling them to quickly find and rectify performance issues. With the increasing popularity of Docker, it has become crucial that organizations can effectively monitor these containers. But, as monitoring Docker containers is particularly complex, developing a strategy and an appropriate monitoring system is not simple. However, this process can be streamlined by utilizing a Docker monitoring tool.
  |  By David Benson
Observability is the ability to understand the internal workings of a system by measuring and tracking its external outputs. In technical terms, it entails collecting and examining data from numerous sources within a system to attain insights into its behavior, performance, and health. All organizations are now familiar with how essential observability is to ensure optimal performance and availability of their IT infrastructure.
  |  By David Benson
Monitoring your data with dashboards and visualizations is perfect for improving the efficiency of your team and facilitating data-driven decisions from insights. They provide a different perspective to your data and by utilizing this data and trends you can clearly view if your system, application, or server is performing optimally, and if it isn’t performing as expected you can analyze where the issue is and promptly rectify this.
  |  By David Benson
The ELK Stack is a collection of three open-source projects, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. They operate together to centralize and examine logs and other types of machine-generated data in real time. With the ELK stack, you can utilize clusters for effective log and event data analysis and other uses. ELK clusters can provide significant benefits to your organization, but the configuration of these clusters can be particularly challenging, as there are a lot of aspects to consider.
  |  By David Benson
Changes to software are inevitable and fundamental part of growth for any organization, however, change is often not straightforward. It can affect numerous aspects of a company and requires collaboration among all stakeholders. This is where change management tools come in to assist you with this. There’s currently a wide range of change management tools available, each providing benefits to specific scenarios and weaknesses to others.

Logit is an ISO 27001 certified centralised logging and metrics management company. We solve complex problems for many FTSE 100, Fortune 500 and other fast-growing clients alike. Our platform delivers you with a fully customised log and metrics solution based on Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana which is scalable, secure and compliant.

Logit also provides you with a high level view of the health and performance of applications and services across the organisation. Rationalise applications and confidently migrate to multi-cloud and hybrid cloud faster, with full support for AWS, Azure, GCP and on-premise.

Logit is a cloud native solution that scales on demand, allowing you to rapidly provision as many production-ready ELK stacks as required. All your stacks are isolated and can be individually managed, with the flexibility of defining teams and roles per stack. Each Logit ELK stack has its own dedicated resources, featuring highly available Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and more.