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Don't Let Network Issues Hurt the Employee Experience

We’ve all been there: the Zoom call that drops out in the middle of a crucial discussion; the browser application that won’t load when you badly need to access it. Network problems have been around since the dawn of the Internet, and they always will be. But during this recent period of remote working, connectivity issues have become a much bigger threat to workspace productivity and employee experience.

Go From Reactive to Proactive With Index Scoring

This one goes out to my fellow IT support leaders who might find themselves drowning in ticket data and stuck in reactive mode. I work as the Enhanced Support Services Lead at a global consulting firm where I manage my organization’s L2 support team and in-house Customer Experience Analytics team (CEA)—a group of individuals that I wish had by my side years ago—more on that later.

1 Year Later: Key IT Lessons from Remote Working

Even though lockdown in the UK is easing and shops are reopening, there remains a question mark around the timing for the return to the office. As the pandemic continues to impact society, many professionals find themselves continuing to conduct business from their home offices, dining rooms, or bedrooms.

Work From Anywhere - How Much Bandwidth Do You Need?

Over the last year, when talking to large enterprises about employee experience management, one question has come up consistently, “How do I decide the right internet connection to ensure employees can get work done seamlessly?” Although we are well into the “work from anywhere” world, employee experience management is still something that companies are struggling with. Most employees continue to work remotely and are often moving to new places.

Nexthink - Overview

Nexthink Experience, a cloud-native platform, shines a light on all aspects of every single employee’s digital journey. As a result, you can make informed decisions to optimize their experience. Nexthink offers a unique combination of real-time analytics, automation and employee feedback across all endpoints to help IT teams meet the needs of the modern digital workplace.

Managing Remote Employee Experience: Lessons From a Fortune 1000 Healthcare Organization

Ensuring a productive remote workspace was one of the main priorities of many enterprises and organization in 2020. A majority of the global workforce across different industry verticals, including the healthcare industry, were forced to work remotely. Healthcare organizations had to quickly update infrastructure and software to support the shift without compromising productivity.

BCD Travel Selects Exoprise for Microsoft 365 Digital Experience Monitoring

Waltham, MA - June 10, 2021 - Exoprise, a leading provider of Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) solution for Microsoft 365, today announced that BCD Travel, a provider of global corporate travel management services, has selected Exoprise to help the company achieve end-to-end visibility of critical Microsoft 365 SaaS application performance to enhance the digital experience, collaboration, and productivity of a large remote workforce.

What the Fastly Outage Can Teach Us About Observability

On Tuesday June 8th, the Content Delivery Network Fastly experienced an outage that made large swaths of the web unavailable for nearly an hour. To focus on the positive, this outage can serve as a wakeup call for Observability teams, because it shows how much modern sites depend on resources beyond their immediate control, and how hard it is to "observe" these kinds of issues with an incomplete Observability mindset.