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The guide to workplace communication channels you didn't know you needed

Emails and IMs and shared docs – oh my! With all the different communication channels we use every day at work, it’s easy to miss their nuances. Sure, email seems like a good go-to, but it has its downsides. And what about Google Docs or Confluence pages? When should they be open vs. restricted?

The Lean Portfolio Manifesto: a conversation-starter

From its outset, the agile methodology defined how teams operated for decades. Yet, the success realized within product and development organizations triggered an explosion of adoption. From rapid development, faster time to resolution, to improved communication and better product quality, there’s no debate: the benefits of agile are real and they are impactful. Get stories like this in your inbox.

Sick of information silos? Here's how to break them down

Pop quiz! What do email threads, restricted documents, and water-cooler conversations have in common? They are the raw materials with which information silos are built. We think of silos as rock-solid structures that can (and sometimes do) survive a category five tornado. But in truth, the information silos we encounter at work aren’t as indestructible as they seem. With a few techniques for more open, effective communication and a little bit of moxie, you and your team can beat the system.

Can OKRs accelerate your scaled agile transformation?

In any organization, large or small, a defined strategy and tireless accountability are essential to making sure all teams are aligned and focused as they go about their day-to-day work. For a company operating in a scaled agile environment, where teams are empowered to make decisions, strategic context must be crystal clear to create a trusting environment where teams can do their best work and drive business results.

The 5 types of intelligence you need to build today

By 2022, the skills employees will need to thrive will include creativity, trustworthiness, emotional intelligence, and leadership, according to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018. Intelligence matters. But recently, business leaders have begun to place more emphasis on “soft skills” – you know, those intangible qualities that make the difference between being a dear or dreary coworker.

How should you structure your engineering team?

It’s been a few years since the “Spotify Model” became the latest trend for structuring an engineering team. But, like its predecessors, the model based on tribes and squads has some pitfalls. How to structure an engineering team is a question that’s been covered at length, from the strengths and weaknesses of common team structures to a matrix of organization based on risk and scale to why you should choose your own model.

How we built our cloud migration strategy for Confluence

If you’ve ever created products that can be deployed in different types of environments, you know that it can be challenging to migrate between one and the other since the core architecture often needs to be very different. We learned this the hard way back in 2018 on Confluence, when a large number of customers trying to migrate from server to cloud were having problems. It was a challenging, prone-to-failure process that required a lot of attention and preparation from site admins.

What 20 acquisitions taught us about post-merger integration

Maybe your company just merged with another organization. Or perhaps you were a member of a group that was just bought out. Chances are you’ve been there: more than 75 percent of industries have become more concentrated since the late 1990s and the mergers and acquisitions boom is only expected to grow.

The unexpected path to the c-suite

When I was a little girl, I played “business” at my grandmother’s house. She gave a box of blank payroll checks from a defunct business and heels and fancy clip-on earrings that she wore to work. I stuffed a bunch of blank checks into a purse and strutted down the hall to the back bedroom (y’know, the official boss’s office), where I’d wave my hands around telling everyone to get to work.