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When Your Open Source Turns to the Dark Side

Not that long ago, in a galaxy that isn’t remotely far away, a disturbance in the open source world was felt with wide-ranging reverberations. Imagine waking up one morning to find out that your beloved open source tool, which lies at the heart of your system, is being relicensed. What does it mean? Can you still use it as before? Could the new license be infectious and require you to open source your own business logic? This doom’s day nightmare scenario isn’t hypothetical.

How To Make a Good Website?

Building a small business website requires careful planning and execution. This article will guide you through the essential steps to make a website that achieves your business goals and engages your target audience. We'll cover key aspects such as defining your website's purpose, optimizing for mobile devices, improving findability and navigation, and measuring your site's performance.

Identity Governance in Cribl.Cloud

This blog post explores Cribl.Cloud‘s approach to Identity Governance (IG), a crucial strategy for securing access to critical systems and data. Learn how Cribl.Cloud leverages IG to ensure security, compliance, efficiency, and customer trust, while also tackling the challenges of managing custom SaaS APIs within an IG framework.

How to monitor your APIs with Checkly API checks

This video covers how to use Checkly's API checks and active synthetic monitoring to streamline your API monitoring process and detect issues faster. We'll set up a new API check to monitor one of Checkly's API endpoints and go step-by-step from configuring the API request to defining essential headers, monitoring details and retry strategies.

ITSM Premium Solution Package

Exploring the ITSM Premium Package: AI and Proactive Service Management The ITSM Premium Package offers a comprehensive solution for IT Service Management, featuring Ivanti Neurons, Workspace, and Healing. It utilizes advanced AI and machine learning to auto-populate incident summaries and relevant service fields. Bots, managed through the Neurons Bot Manager interface, provide recommendations, interact with users, and perform diagnostics. The package also includes Ivanti's Digital Experience monitoring for proactive issue detection and user experience enhancement.

ITSM Enterprise Solution Package

Exploring the Ivanti IT Service Management Enterprise Solution Package The Ivanti IT Service Management Enterprise Solution Package is a comprehensive suite of business solutions. It includes Security Operations Management, HR Service Management, Governance, Risk, and Compliance, Project and Portfolio Management, and Facilities Management. Each application is built on the same platform as Ivanti's ITSM and ITAM solutions, ensuring seamless integration. The package extends service management best practices across the entire enterprise.

Demystifying Azure Container Instance Pricing

Since containers revolutionized resources utilization and their cost by significantly increasing VM densities, understanding Azure Container Instance Pricing is key for making informed decisions about your containerized apps. ACI is the serverless option within Azure, to provision additional compute for demanding and highly scalable workloads. Knowing the ACI pricing, you can optimize costs while efficiently deploying your containers in a managed service that will optimize your operations.