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How does search solve data problems?

Is enterprise data a benefit or a burden? Think about all of the data your organization generates and consumes in the digital age — from security event logs to application error messages, energy consumption to vendor contracts. There is so much, and all of it is usually stored in silos, making the data difficult to synthesize to provide better services, identify signals proactively, or make stronger business decisions.

OpenSearch Is Now Generally Available!

I’m thrilled to say that OpenSearch has reached general availability (GA) with the release of version 1.0. This release represents a significant milestone and noteworthy accomplishment for a new open source initiative that was only launched a few months ago. I vividly remember that moment at the beginning of the year when we all woke up to Elastic’s announcement that it would take Elasticsearch and Kibana off the Apache 2.0 OSS license.

Elastic named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Cognitive Search

We’re thrilled to announce that Elastic has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search, Q3 2021*, highlighting, in our opinion, our commitment to providing a set of tools that makes it quicker and easier to build great search experiences with Elasticsearch. In addition to receiving the highest score possible in the strategy category, Elastic also received the highest scores possible in the operations and market awareness criteria.

Elasticsearch Text Analysis: How to Use Analyzers and Normalizers

Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine used for real-time data processing of several different data types. Elasticsearch has built-in processing for numerical, geospatial, and structured text values. Unstructured text values have some built-in analytics capabilities, but custom text fields generally require custom analysis. Built-in text analysis uses analyzers provided by Elasticsearch, but customization is also possible.

Finding business-critical files is a top challenge for workers - better search is the answer

Even before COVID-19 forced nearly everyone to grapple with virtual work, most organizations had mountains of content scattered across numerous teams and dozens, if not hundreds, of apps. But now new research shows the cost of poor employee experiences for organizations: productivity, confidence, and opportunity.

Improve search relevance by combining Elasticsearch stemmers and synonyms

In a previous blog, we covered how you can incorporate synonyms into your Elasticsearch-powered application. Here, I build upon that blog and show how you can combine stemmers and multi-word synonyms to take the quality of your search results to the next level.

Get a consistent view of your data over time with the Elasticsearch point-in-time reader

TL;DR: We recommend that you use the new point-in-time functionality in Elasticsearch if you can. The scroll API is no longer recommended for deep pagination (even though it still works). Most data is constantly changing. When querying an index in Elasticsearch, you are essentially searching for data at a given point of time.

How Elastic is helping Honeywell generate sales from online search

Honeywell is a Fortune 100 company that produces commercial and consumer products. With roots dating to 1906, the multinational conglomerate offers chemicals, industrial manufacturing, engineering services, aerospace systems, and much more. The United States-based company employs 110,000 workers globally, and posts revenue of nearly $37 billion. Honeywell is a key player in 50 industries. It produces everything from N95 masks to automated warehouse solutions and airport security scanners.

How to set up Elastic Cloud: Advice from Elastic Support

I hate reinventing the wheel once I find a good setup. On top of that, I dislike searching for all the links I used to come up with the “ultimate setup” for different services. So, I decided to outline for myself (and for you of course) my default setup when I deploy on Elastic Cloud to set myself up for success and automate insight for the future. Most of my setup steps make monitoring accessible or automate various warnings to myself.