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How to tune search relevance in Elastic App Search

When users run queries against your search engine, they’re interested in the most relevant documents. Elastic App Search makes it easy to further tune the search experience to optimize for your own needs. In this short video, we’ll show how documents are ranked and how you can change this ranking using intuitive, real-time relevance tuning.

Replace Elasticsearch with MeiliSearch

Data is everywhere and there is no doubt that the datasets we now spans gigabytes easily. We live in a data-rich world. Everyone is on the internet and getting meaningful information from queries this data set is critical. Most of the time they get overwhelmed with the data and have trouble finding what they are looking for. Here comes the Search Engines which is designed to search for websites on the internet based on the user's search query.

Writing My First OpenSearch Plugin

Personally, I’ve always wanted to contribute to an open-source project, but never found a way to incorporate it with my day-to-day work. Occasionally, I’d muster up the courage to clone a project I liked, seeking a good entry point to add some new feature or handle some issue. I thought that all I needed was to make a small contribution and everything else would just flow into place.

OpenSearch: The Open Source Successor of Elasticsearch

What an exciting episode of OpenObservability Talks it was! On May 27, I hosted Kyle Davis, Senior Developer Advocate for OpenSearch at AWS, for a chat about the OpenSearch project, where it stands and where it’s heading. I wanted to share with you some interesting insights from our chat. You’re more than welcome to check out the full episode.

Elastic License Update

In January 2021, we announced that starting with version 7.11, we would be changing the Apache 2.0 portions of Elasticsearch and Kibana source code to be dual licensed under Elastic License and SSPL, at the users’ discretion. As part of that change, we created Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2) as a permissive, fair-code license, which allows free use, redistribution, modification, and derivative works, with only three simple limitations, outlined in our original announcement.

How to use transforms to track your most recent customer orders

Creating an entity-centric index that contains only the latest document for each entity can be useful in a number of situations. For example, maybe you're managing an ecommerce site and you want to track the latest order placed by each of your customers. Or maybe you want to run a campaign targeting customers who haven't been active over a certain period. What's the fastest and most efficient way to compile and organize such data?

New in Elasticsearch 7.13: Even faster aggregations

In our last episode, I wrote about some speed improvements to date_histogram and I was beside myself with excitement to see if I could apply the same principles to other aggregations. I've spent most of the past few months playing a small part developing runtime fields but eventually I found time to take a look at the terms aggregation.

Experience Elasticsearch from the Microsoft Azure portal

We are excited to share the latest development in our ongoing partnership with Microsoft. Available in public preview, you can now find, deploy, and manage Elasticsearch from within the Azure portal. Bring powerful enterprise search, observability, and security capabilities to your Azure environment with a user interface and tools that are already familiar to you.