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From SLA to XLA: Rethinking End-User KPIs

The 1980s was a period that set the ball rolling for many aspects of the technology that we are using today. Personal computers, such as the BBC Micro and similar devices, introduced the world in general to the power and potential of IT – a capability that has grown massively in sophistication and capability, to the point that it has become fundamental to many aspects of life at work and at home.

Putting Employees at the Centerpiece of Your 2019 IT Strategy

In recent years, IT professionals have been progressively realizing that successful IT strategies actually depend on a simple question: who? Indeed, for once, instead of asking “what” or “how much,” they are shifting their focus towards the people ultimately impacted by IT decision making – their employees.

2019 Important IT Milestones

“What??? Fully end of life by April, you say? As in, ‘in-six-weeks’ April? Well, there go my weekends for a while. When will we ever get this right?” We’ve all been there at some point, completely under water, late on key projects, having to fight to get our SLA and security KPIs green and completely forget that time is running and now, again, core components are nearing their end of life. Here at Nexthink, we don’t want you to have to go through that.

Nexthink - Quality of Service

Win the favor of your employees by helping them win back the 22 minutes a day they lose on IT issues. Nexthink helps proactively prevent the creation of incidents and reduces the MTTR for open incidents while providing deep insight into the end-user experience. With Nexthink, reduce support costs and end-user disruption, increase end-user productivity, and optimize IT investments.

Keys to Curing Your Employees' Digital Workplace Woes

Unless end users (EUs) are directly prevented from using applications, they are unlikely to report IT anomalies or malfunctions; it’s much easier to restart a program or click “x” to make the error message disappear than submitting a ticket. Every day, employees settle for small IT glitches which never go reported, giving IT departments the perception of smooth service delivery while, in reality, EUs are experiencing constant obstacles and frustration.


Nexthink is a global leader in digital employee experience. Our product allows enterprises to create highly productive digital workplaces for their employees by delivering optimal end-user experience.