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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Meltdown & Spectre: How LogicMonitor Can Help

When a critical security flaw affecting hardware is identified -- such as the recently publicized chip vulnerabilities (Meltdown, Spectre) -- your cloud provider takes steps to implement the necessary patch(es) to protect its infrastructure. Updates performed by your cloud provider may require scheduled reboots for your cloud resources. For example, the security patch for Intel processors requires a machine reboot since the patch includes an update to the hypervisor kernel.

Splunk, Big Data and the Future of Security

Current IT security tools and mindsets are no longer adequate to meet the scope and complexity of today's threats. Internet security has evolved over the last ten years but advanced persistent threats and the sophistication of the malware have fundamentally changed the way security teams must think about these new threats and the tools used for detective controls.

ManageEngine: 2017 at a glance

For ManageEngine, 2017 can be largely defined by one of our favorite C.S. Lewis quotes: “You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.” We began the year with a goal; a goal to bring the numerous domains of IT management together. And we began the year with a dream; a dream to simplify IT management, a dream to help IT propel your business forward.

Mr. Robot, Mimikatz and Lateral Movement

In Mr. Robot‘s episode 9 of season 2 (13:53), Angela Moss needs to obtain the Windows domain password of her superior, Joseph Green, in order to download sensitive documents that would potentially incriminate EvilCorp. Since her attack requires physical access to his computer, she starts with a good old-fashioned social engineering attack to get the only currently present employee in the office to leave.

Securing Exchange Server OWA & ActiveSync - Proactive Security with EventSentry

With the proper auditing enabled (Logon/Logoff – Logon (Failure)) and EventSentry installed however, we can permanently block remote users / hosts who attempt to log on too many times with a wrong password. Setting this up is surprisingly simple.

5 Things You Need to Know About Business Continuity Management

If business professionals ignore network and system issues, the consequences could be dire. For instance, imagine what might happen if your company suffers a cyberattack, flood or supply chain failure. In this scenario, your critical networks and systems may slow down or stop working. And if you lack an effective business continuity management (BCM) strategy, you risk downtime and outages that could put a significant dent in your business’ bottom line.